Welcome to the home page of CMA First Aid. Our business is to deliver quality First Aid and we hope you will find these pages both interesting and useful.
CMA First Aid under the instruction of Andre and Daphne Leister is a business which is determined to offer quality First Aid. As qualified first aid instructors and assessors we are offering courses specifically tailored to schools, businesses and martial arts establishments. We are committed to delivering quality First Aid Courses and offer a range of Health and Safety Approved Courses.
In addition, we are flexible with regards to the two / three day courses by being able to meet our client's busy schedules and offering the course on a one day a week basis. This avoids a depletion of the workforce for the best part of a week.
Our instruction is carried out at the client's workplace, where the student numbers are feasible, or at a venue of our choosing. We have enclosed some basic course details for your immediate information. Please use the contact details listed for more in depth discussion.